Having been led by the Holy Spirit to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour, and on profession of our faith, being baptized in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, we do now, in the presence of God and this assembly, most solemnly and joyfully covenant with one another as one body in Christ.
We covenant by the help of the Holy Spirit to build each other up in the Lord for worship, discipleship and evangelism with Christ's attitude of servanthood, to pursue the Great Commandment to love God and people and the Great Commission to make disciples of Christ throughout the world, to prayerfully support the leadership of this church, to promote the church's prosperity and spirituality, to sustain the worship, ordinances, doctrines and discipline of the church, to actively participate in the services and programs of the church, to contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministries and general expenses of the church.
We further covenant to walk together in unity and watch over one another in Christian love, to encourage one another, to remember each other in prayer, to help each other in sickness and distress, to cultivate Christian sympathy and courtesy in speech, to be slow to take offense and always ready for reconciliation.
We also covenant to practice family and personal devotions, to instruct our children in the Word of God, to seek the salvation of our relatives and acquaintances, to be enthusiastic in our efforts to advance the Kingdom of our Saviour, to be honest in our dealings and faithful in our commitments, to observe the sanctity of sex and heterosexual marriage and of human life from conception to natural death, and to live a consistent Christian life before a watching world.
We further covenant that when we leave the fellowship of this church we will unite, as soon as possible, with some other church where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God's Word.
We covenant by the help of the Holy Spirit to build each other up in the Lord for worship, discipleship and evangelism with Christ's attitude of servanthood, to pursue the Great Commandment to love God and people and the Great Commission to make disciples of Christ throughout the world, to prayerfully support the leadership of this church, to promote the church's prosperity and spirituality, to sustain the worship, ordinances, doctrines and discipline of the church, to actively participate in the services and programs of the church, to contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministries and general expenses of the church.
We further covenant to walk together in unity and watch over one another in Christian love, to encourage one another, to remember each other in prayer, to help each other in sickness and distress, to cultivate Christian sympathy and courtesy in speech, to be slow to take offense and always ready for reconciliation.
We also covenant to practice family and personal devotions, to instruct our children in the Word of God, to seek the salvation of our relatives and acquaintances, to be enthusiastic in our efforts to advance the Kingdom of our Saviour, to be honest in our dealings and faithful in our commitments, to observe the sanctity of sex and heterosexual marriage and of human life from conception to natural death, and to live a consistent Christian life before a watching world.
We further covenant that when we leave the fellowship of this church we will unite, as soon as possible, with some other church where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God's Word.